Sunday 12 February 2012

Do you know a young driver without car insurance?

We are pleased to have this guest blog from Sainsburys Money Matters, it certainly makes for interesting reading .....

It's estimated that there are over one million uninsured cars on UK roads. With young drivers facing some of the highest premium prices, many succumb to the temptation of driving uninsured.

Young male drivers are statistically the worst affected by rising insurance prices, with cover often costing well over £1000 per annum for those under the age of 21. However, the expense of these policies should never be taken as an excuse to drive without insurance. It's a criminal offence that has severe consequences for both the uninsured driver and other road users.

How young, uninsured drivers could affect you:

It is estimated that as many as one in 10 motorists have been involved in an accident with an uninsured driver, and this will add £30 to the average premium paid by conscientious motorists. Younger, less experienced drivers are statistically more likely to have an accident in the first place, posing a greater risk.

If you're hit by an uninsured driver and it's not your fault, you could still end up claiming on your own insurance for the damages to your car - provided, of course, that you have fully comprehensive insurance to cover it.

You may also have to pay the excess on your  and you could lose your no claim discount.

What you can do to protect yourself and your family from uninsured drivers?

Check who you and your children are riding with. If your kids are at an age when they and their friends are passing their driving tests, double check that their friends are fully insured. Otherwise, as a passenger they may not be entitled to compensation in the event of an accident.

Check your insurance policy. Some policies will allow you to keep your no claim discount if you're hit by an uninsured driver, but not all. If you're worried about being hit by an uninsured driver, talk to your insurance company about what options might be available.

If you're hit by an uninsured driver, make sure you get as much evidence regarding the accident as possible.

Often people won't admit to having no insurance, so if you have an accident, do the following:

1. Take their full name, address and telephone number - try to check these against another document, such as a driving licence, if possible.
2. Accurately record their registration number, car make and model and the colour of the car. Also record any other significant features.
3. Take photos of the accident, before the cars are moved. This is obviously made easier these days due to cameras on mobile phones, but if your phone doesn't have a camera then keep a disposable in the glove box.
4. Take witness statement, and record their name and address to pass on to your insurance company. The more witnesses the better.

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