Thursday 29 July 2010

Being a working mom

Being a working mom:

"'Mummy' why do you have lines on your head?

When I heard the words 'mummy, why do you have lines on your forehead', I could have quite easily buried my head under the Lilypad! Instead, I smiled sweetly and told my darling daughter that they were laughter lines from the happy and fun life I lead.

I suspect however that those lines on my head are more to do with being a busy working mom, frowning .... and maybe more than a little laughter.

I do frown, I frown when I am confused, cross, perplexed and even when I am happy - I think it maybe a habit passed down from my mother but it is one I cant shift!

I did momentarily wonder whether we should therefore be stocking anti wrinkle creams or collagen fillers in our 'gifts for grown up's' and began scouring the country for suppliers but this is not what our customers really want (although the smooth, line free skin is appealing).

Our website has been designed by a parent for parents and we all know that children do lovingly place a few additional lines and grey hairs to our collection but beauty products are not our forte!

I think that despite my initial horror of my daughter comments, they were sugar coated a little, when she followed it up with 'mummy, how do I get those lines because I want to be just like you'

Maybe those lines aren't all that bad after all!"


  1. awww that's so sweet :-)
    Of course, I have a fringe!

  2. That is clearly what I need to get - much cheaper than botox! :-)
